Hi {insert name},


As you know, our ability to accept payments is key to our success as a business and, today, payments technology is innovating faster than ever before.  To stay at the forefront of commerce and serve our customers, we must understand the technology of payments.  With that in mind, I wanted to ask if you would support my attendance at the Merchant Advisory Group’s Tech Forum.

Benefits from attending the MAG Tech Forum include:

  • Networking opportunities with payments and IT professionals from other merchants and vendor organizations to gain insights on the latest technologies impacting payments.
  • Participating in strategic discussions with other merchants on topics they are grappling with and learning best practices from those who have “been there and done that”.
  • Going deep with vendors on innovative uses of new payment technologies with topics ranging from payments fraud technology to cloud computing.

MAG Tech Forum is one of the few opportunities to engage with other technology professionals who are focused on payments with over 500 merchant IT members and over 100+ payment providers including acquirers, fraud prevention experts, and POS system vendors attending.  More information on Tech Forum and the MAG Conference can be found at this link.

Let me know if you have any questions or would like to discuss this further.


{your name}


The Merchant Advisory Group

Driving positive change and innovation in the payments industry that serves the merchants interest through collaboration, education, and advocacy.