Influence the technologies used in the payments ecosystem to better align with the merchant community through education, collaboration, and advocacy.


Adopting and Implementing Payment Account Reference (PAR)

Payment Account Reference (PAR) is a unique identifier, a 29-character non-financial reference value, associated with the primary account number (PAN)...

MAG Insights: 2024 W3C TPAC Recap

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) held its annual TPAC conference the week of September 23, 2024, coinciding with the 30th anniversary of the Consortium...

Enterprise Payment Evolution: Strategies for Global Growth_1-21-25

Explore the trends redefining how businesses manage payments. This session will cover strategies enterprises can use to grow their business...


Interpret and compare the various types of payments processing channels and flows, and technical considerations (in-store and online), to enable...


TECH OPS Committee goals and strategies


  • Determine content for the MAG Tech Forum conferences and webinars
  • Recommend content to be posted to the MAG website
  • Review any new card company mandates to determine impact on merchant architectures
  • Support the MAG core teams by answering any technology related questions



  • Build relationships within the Tech community
  • Deepen tech-focused payment content
  • Raise merchant "Tech Voice" thru industry advocacy and outreach


    Committee Leadership

    • Bryan Penny
      Merchant Advisory Group
      Vice President, Operations
    • Steve Cole
      Merchant Advisory Group
      Director, Tech Engagement
    The Merchant Advisory Group

    Driving positive change and innovation in the payments industry that serves the merchants interest through collaboration, education, and advocacy.